Kamar Ganti

Jangan ngintip ya.. Ngga Boleh !

GAdo Gado

* Did you know, that with more than 250.000.000 people, Indonesia is the 4th most populated country in the world?
    * Did you know, that there are 316 ethnic groups which speak 670 dialects in Indonesia?
    * Did you know that it is forbidden not to have a religion in Indonesia? (doesn’t matter which one as long as you have one)
    * Did you know, that there are around 400 volcanoes in Indonesia, and 150 out of them are active, which represents 75% of all active volcano on the planet? (so only 50 for the rest of the world)
    * Did you know, that Indonesia is more than 5.000 kilometres long? (which is an average length for a continent)
    * Did you know, that Indonesia has the longest coastline in the world, with 100.000 kilometres long?
    * Did you know, that Indonesia is probably the last country in the world, which has still unexplored territories, and is not completely mapped? (especially around Irian Jaya)
    * Did you know, that there are 17.508 islands in Indonesia, which is the largest Archipelago in the world?
    * Did you know, that if you could spend only 1 day on each island of Indonesia, you would need 48 years to see all of them? (transportation between islands not counted)
    * Did you know, that on the 17.508 islands, only 6.000 have a name, and only 1.000 are inhibited?
    * Did you know, that there are 25% of the world coral reefs in Indonesia?
    * Did you know, that on the 4.500 species of reef fishes existing in the oceans worlwide, around 3.500 of them have been identified in Indonesia?
    * Did you know, that Indonesia has the biggest underwater biodiversity in the world?
    * Did you know, that Indonesia is the 2nd largest global biodiversity (water + land + air) after Brazil?

After considering all these astonishing facts, don’t you think this country deserves to be more known by the general public, and should have a much better reputation worldwide?


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